All, in essence is Vibration.
The sounds we create ourselves express our state of being.
The words we speak are our personal Mantras.
This is why, explained simply, we benefit from singing chants, meditating with sacred sounds, and speaking positive affirmations.
On a subtle level, our thoughts are constantly vibrating, emitting frequencies to our bodies and the energy fields around us.
This is our continuous interaction with our surrounding world, and when these vibrations clash in disharmony we may experience discomfort, eventually leading to illness as the negative emotions disturb and block vital energy conduits in our being.
As we learn to choose to focus upon thoughts and words that uplift ourselves and others, we are making a conscious intention to maintain a positive, healthy frequency. This is turn attracts others that mirror our own vibration, guiding us towards a harmonious existence.
This portrays to us how change starts within, leading towards the change we wish to see and experience.
By consciously choosing a beautiful Inner Melody, our personal song unfolds into a symphony of Joy and Harmony on every dimension. These are the chords to strike silently in our hearts as we remember the truth of who we truly are, as Light Beings of Love and Compassion.
Mother Earth pulsates and resonates with our heartbeat, and the Elements within and without us in constant tranformation. Time moves faster as we spin towards the Galactic Center of the Milky Way.
It is time for us to sing in unison, for now is our opportunity to vibrate, elevate, and ascend together. More than ever before, those who hear the calling in their hearts are coming together to realize how powerful we truly are.
As we allow our Sacred Song of Love to be heard we resonate with that of the Cosmos that sings back to us.
* In Love and Gratitude to All My Lightworker Friends *
* From the Heart of the Cosmos to Humanity we Return *
* And Vibrate as One Love - One Truth *
* Namaste *