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The 432hz G13 Tankdrum is tuned to the 4 higher chakras and is
skillfully played by SacredLife Music to create unique healing tones that may elevate your
chanting and meditation experience.
Traditional Kundalini Mantras resonate with melodic harmonies by SiriSat
to encourage group participation and enhance your yoga practice. An
essential and valuable tool for all Kundalini Yoga lovers, teachers
and seekers of truth.
In Peace, Love & Gratitude to all sources of Divine Wisdom.
Sat Nam
ॐ Chanting Ong Sohung opens and heals the Heart Chakra. It is a beautiful recognition that each of us is a part of the Creative Consciousness of the Universe! ॐ
ONG is The Divine Creative Consciousness. SOHUNG meaning: " I AM YOU" ॐ
Ong Sohung - Mantra Meditation by SiriSat
Musical Production - Pep Lladó
© Sota La Palmera Records 2013
Video Production by FeedTheFire Films
Single available on iTunes:
Meditation Mantra Music by Namaste - "Govindam"
"Govindam adi-purusham tam aham bhajami"
Un Mantra devocional originalmente grabado por George Harrison en 1970.
"I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, who is adept in playing on His
flute, with blooming eyes like lotus petals, His head decked with
peacock feathers, the figure of beauty tinged with the hue of blue
clouds, His unique loveliness charming millions of cupids."
" Alabo a Govinda, el Ser Primordial, adepto al tocar su flauta, con ojos resplandeciendo como petalos de loto, Su cabeza decorado por plumas de pavo real, la figura de belleza, pintado suavemente con la tinta azul de las nubes, Su belleza encantando milliones de cupidos."
Produced by FeedTheFire Films
Filmed at Mohegan Lake, New York August 2013
Take my hand and lead me
To the lotus lily lake
Where the sun reflects our thoughts upon the water
And we drink the light with our eyes...
Take my hand and sit with me in silence
So I may hear the sound of the white petals
And float my contemplation on your leaves of love
Take me home to the water´s depths
And leave me silent in the wisdom of the deepest blue
Let me rise again to touch the sky
To be at One with You in Infinity´s gaze
Within and Beyond...
Click to visit: SiriSat Art Gallery
"You can be flowing even with Yoga.
Don’t be very rigid; help people to be flowing, and then you will come closer to the real Yoga spirit. These rigid Yoga teachers are not really yogis; they are just gymnasts. They themselves are rigid and they are trying to impose their rigidity on others too.
Help people to be alive, not rigid. Help people to be more flexible, flowing, adapting, human. Don’t make them into machines. It is not only a question of doing certain Yoga postures. Those postures can be learned by any idiot easily; in fact if a person is an idiot he will learn faster. The question is not only of Yoga postures; those Yoga postures have to be used only for a certain life source inside, as a provocation. It should not become like an army drill; it should be more like a dance. Just keep that in mind and there will be no problem, and you will be of immense help.
Let Yoga be a kind of dance; keep that quality in mind. Don’t be rigid and don’t try to force forms on people. Rather, help them to find their own dance. Each one has a different kind of body, and when you start forcing a certain form on everybody this is a regimentation. The form has to be used just as a jumping-board and then everybody has to find his own way to use it. Make your Yoga more feminine and you will be of great help to people. That is a need that has to be fulfilled: Yoga has to be taken from the rigid people.
I am going to experiment with more flowing forms, with more freedom. Use Patanjali and his Yoga postures as jumping-boards and then let everybody seek and search for his own form, his own being, for whatsoever he feels good with. The work of a Yoga teacher is not to impose a certain discipline forcibly but to provoke the inner consciousness of the person so that he starts loving his body, so he starts playing with his body as if it is a musical instrument. It is!
Help the person to become aware of the mysteries of the body. There are infinite mysteries. Somewhere in your body a buddha is hidden — he has to be discovered. From the lowest to the highest, all is hidden in the body; the body is a ladder. You can find hell in it and you can find heaven in it. Help people to search, to seek, become more aware and alert about their bodies, about their health, their well-being, their wholeness. This is true Yoga. Form is immaterial; form is only a formality. Start teaching from the form but soon help them to go beyond form. And when they transcend form they will have infinite joy and freedom available to them. They will be grateful to you and you will also enjoy the work, because then it will not be just a dead routine; it will be more poetic. And you will also be able to explore new things.
Patanjali has not exhausted Yoga; nobody can exhaust anything ever. But the Indian mind is traditional. Since Patanjali they have not developed Yoga at all; they cling to the form. This is stupid. There is no need to cling to Patanjali. Pay homage to Patanjali, he is a great pioneer, but there is no need to remain stuck with him; we have to search further.
Patanjali was never aware of these bodies that are available today. In Patanjali’s time a totally different body and a totally different body chemistry were available. Things have changed: man lives longer now. Man has developed more capacities in these ages; more potential has become actual, man is more intelligent. Man is more loving, more aware, alert. Each new generation is more intelligent than the previous one. We have to take account of all these things. Patanjali is just a beginning and a rudimentary beginning; it has to be developed, it has to be constantly developed.
Just think: if traditional people had stopped at Newton and they hadn’t allowed Einstein because they said “Enough is enough. Newton has done all” — then what would the situation of physics be? But they did not. We are not going to stop at Einstein either; we are growing and growing. If after three, four, centuries Einstein comes, he will be surprised! So should be the case with Yoga.
I am very happy that Yoga is getting out of this country, moving into new cultures. There it is bound to take new forms — less rigid, more exploratory. The West has much to contribute to Yoga, as yoga has much to contribute to the West. It is very good that many things that have remained stuck and dormant in India are moving out. It will be good, because new people will start trying new things. New postures can be developed, new body rhythms, new breathing processes.
Think of it as an exploration. Don’t think in rigid terms. You are not just to be there like a school teacher. Then you will enjoy it. I will help you to be free of the rigidity and that will make you more and more in tune with truth."
What is it we need to know at this time of Conscious Awakening?
Can we "let go?"
We have been taught that by aquiring knowledge we will be successful...
Yet in order to understand self realization we are asked to drop all that the mind has absorbed... as though emptying ourselves to become a divine receptacle.
By focusing on thoughts and images that represent the very nature of our existence... we may enter a new state of awareness of all that is...
Begin by identifying yourself with the abstract... feeling the intricate patterns of your energies... constantly changing and evolving..... Relax....
And prepare to meditate and experience the senses...
Entering your Inner Temple.
*Creative Meditatión of the Senses*
* My Soul lives in the temple of my body...
My Body abides in the temple of the Earth...
My Mind contemplates the Beauty of Nature´s Wonders...
Nature is the great temple for all souls to share, dance and celebrate.
* My eyes are the windows that reflect the outer and inner beauty of Existence..
Through the gift of Sight I behold colour, form and dimension...
* To Breathe is to inhale all Life into my Being..
The scent of fresh air brings Joy to my senses...
Touch offers me the gift of physical Love and
Oneness to become a bringer and giver of Life itself...
* I listen to the Song of the Universe in my heart...
Receiving and celebrating with others the blessing
of communication through my voice...
* I taste the richness of the fruits of the Earth..
The sweetness of the nectar...
And the fresh, energizing salt sea of my Awareness..
* I bathe in the waters of my rebirth..
My senses are fully awakened and ready.
* At this very moment in the Now I celebrate the gift of my Existence...
* This Joy expands through my Heart Centre and connects me with the roots of the Earth.
* Mother wisdom holds me and nurtures me in a deep embrace...
Giving me the power and courage to arise as an Empowered Light Being.
Peace be within - Namaste -


Our attitude regarding the concept of time can either liberate us, or fill us with stress and fear according to our perception.
To consider this simply, we all experience the same 24 hours in one day, so really how can we ever blame Time for being insufficient? Do we not truthfully mean to say, we are too busy, and occupied? So why do we express or perceive this as a "lack" of Time itself?
This leads us to a frustratingly negative perception, which is fundamentally untrue. Would it not be more realistic to admit that Time is plentyful, and the choice is ours?
" I don´t have enough time..."
This phrase suggests a negative vibration to our psyche, and is also denying our personal responsibility.
We know our Time is established and regulated according to our orbit around the sun, in order to measure periods of daylight and darkness, the natural function of the Cosmos.
By shifting our consciousness towards a more Universal perspective by considering that TIME is Limitless and Infinite, it may be equalled to LIFE itself.
Claiming to own, or even lack something so vast or untangible suddenly becomes impossible.
Would we ever say " I don´t have enough LIFE "?
So therefore is there not all the TIME in the World? A liberating and relaxing thought...
Perhaps it´s "Time" to reconsider how TIME is Endless and Boundless...
and in realizing this we are opening the Inner Portal, the Gateway to Absolute Timeless Eternity...
“The only reason for Time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.”
~Albert Einstein
“Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, Time is Eternity.”
~Henry Van Dyke