Saturday 17 April 2010

The Greatest Truth

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usLife is an adventure in awareness when we realize that the search begins by "going within". When we are able to become our own observer our consciousness expands far beyond the limited space of our physical bodies and we experience ourselves as the temples of our soul. Through meditative awareness and acceptance we may experience love in its purest unconditional form. Love is our very creative essence. By using our creative talents and capacities for a higher purpose we align ourselves with the divine plan. As we honour and respect fellow souls on their path, we unite in kindness to empower ourselves. This is our ultimate gift of potential healing and liberation... our unlimited capacity of love.

~ Sirisat

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A Woman

I am the embodiment of the common thread of female consciousness.
My joy, my creativity, my sorrow and humility extend to the world.
I feel the rejoicing and the rejection.
My compassion extends to those in torture and suffering.
My gratitude grounds my being when I realize how fortunate I am as a woman.

We have been mistreated and trodden upon.
We have been worshipped and loved.
We are being sacrificied to this day, yet we are receptacles of creation.
We have been taught to fear men.
We have learnt to love them.
Beyond our masculine and feminine identities we are of one essence.
We are all in potentiality...
One Love ♥


"Love is a ladder,
It starts with one person,
it ends with the Totality.
Love is the beginning,
God is the end."


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