Why am I here?
What is my purpose and who am I?
A spiritual being living a human experience?
These are basic questions we ask ourselves in order to discover our own deepest Truth.
In a complex world of conflict and "material illusion" the distractions are many; but when we hear the calling to connect with our souls to understand who we truly are, these questions may be answered through our own personal experience.
We are born on this earth as single physical individuals and leave the same way, empty handed, so whilst we are in this lifetime, what is really worth striving for?
What is worth achieving or accumulating that we cannot take with us?
Yet the wisdom of our soul is already within us, waiting to be reawakened and nurtured on it..s journey through existence.
By allowing ourselves to "seek within", through meditation and self awareness, we are able to recognize our own loving nature, and our pure soul qualities that are worth developing and sharing with others.
It is possible to cleanse and purify the body, the mind and subconscious where all our mental "clutter" lies leading us to behaviour we sometimes cannot even control or comprehend.
We begin to understand that aloneness is a state of mind, and separation an illusion, for together we all form the holographic Universe.
As we attain the capacity to see ourselves as mirrors reflecting one another, we realize
"We are all One".

The ancient word of wisdom "Yoga" means "Union".
Through meditational practice, prayer, conscious techniques or tools of awareness, and through our visualization and own free will, we encounter a true purpose for Humanity: a Light, a vision, that as a growing number of souls unite in the consciousness of being "One" we are uplifting ourselves and the total vibration of our Planet.