Sunday 2 January 2011

**1:1:11**Cosmic Awakening January 1st 2011**

Dear Friends,
I am sharing a Message received from a Meditational Group with information on Numerology, Sacred Codes, DNA and Ascension, trusting it may be of interest to you.

"2011 is a critical year in the choices mankind will make in preparation for the planetary shift that will occur in 2012. The same time cycles that are part of the Mayan calendar are also the same as the early Vedic cultures. 2011 is the Year we may FOCUS on returning to earth´s spirituality which belongs to everyone, and truly become more AWARE of the time cycle of the natural world.

Numbers and numeric codes, define our existence. Human DNA, our genetic memory, is encoded to be triggered by digital codes at specific times and frequencies. Those codes awaken the mind to the change and evolution of consciousness. 11:11 is one of those codes, meaning activation of DNA. 11:11 will be most significant this year as it is designed to awaken the Shamanic Mind within all of mankind. The same time frequency that nature follows.

Physically seeing 11:11 can begin to create synchronicities in your life. Two significant activations are to take place this year.

1:1:11 which creates 1111 and November 11 – 11:11:11. This promises to accelerate consciousness toward 2012.

11 is a double digit and is therefore considered a Master or Power Number. Because eleven is the first number, which cannot be represented by a human using his or her ten fingers, it is often considered a mysterious number. Eleven is a higher octave of the number two. It carries psychic vibrations and has an equal balance of masculine and feminine properties. It contains many gifts such as psychic awareness. 11:11 is a wake-up code when we physically see it on digital clocks and watches. It serves as a key to unlock the subconscious mind, our genetic encoded memories, that we are divine spirits having a physical experience. The code awakens the memory of our soul during the time of the rise and fall of civilizations, our personal experiences and lessons, loops in time. They are cycles of time that create and recreate following the blueprint. 11 represents spiraling twin strands of human DNA moving into a higher frequency of consciousness.

11+11=22 and 22 is a Master number, an initiation cycle.

Once the life code has been activated, you may experience a sudden awakening after which reality is never the same. This will create clarity, healing and balance. Once you open the Door to the remembrance and the awakening, your soul will automatically and quickly move you through many experiences. Your consciousness is expanding and therefore you can, manifest faster and with greater comprehension, becoming more aware of the meaning of synchronicity that will become more and more frequent. They are created by your soul as you begin to realize your full potential.

11:11 signals changes in your life. As we move into the year of the Rainbow Serpent and the return of the dreaming, the first wave of light to assist in the awakening of the rainbow nation will be on January 1, 2011. (1:1:11). As we create a Circle of Divine Light to anchor this wave of energy to our planet and each of us move through a conscious shift in our DNA this opens us to the rememberance activating the shamanic mind to create the new dream."

♥✿♡ One Love - Namaste ♥✿♡