Wednesday 29 December 2010

The Authentic Self

On life´s journey we may come to realise we are portraying several roles which strangely appear to have little to do with our true inner self.

Surely when we are finally able to express ourselves naturally on every dimension, we are then in the flow of our spiritual destiny?

This can be a major challenge, as we are constantly faced with choices upon how to dedicate time and energy, and with whom to share and participate.

How often do we feel we are having a superficial conversation, and how frequently do we truly resonate with another in what we perceive to be authentic communication?

In actual fact, the more authentic we become, through understanding ourselves within, the greater is our ability to express ourselves sincerely and openly. Paradoxically however, we may come to realise how artificial some interactions with others can be. On the other hand, other relationships may become deeper and more meaningful.

As we become more spiritually aware, the meditation upon "I Am" becomes a deeper experience, and much of what "I Am Not" resurfaces and begins to fall away.

This process can involve changing friendships, leaving behind old habits and interests, undertaking new paths and perspectives. This may even lead to making a strong lifechanging decision.

Some of the greatest tests of authenticity may be found in our behaviour. Are we able to speak and act equally in both the presence, and in the absence of key people in our lives?

Authenticity requires inner soul searching, and calls upon our sense of honour, virtue and courage to be true to our own hearts without fear of the consequences or rejection.

Complete honesty with oneself leads to recognition of our shadow self or "dark side" which we sometimes mistakenly project upon others through blame and judgement. Can we truly accept seeing ourselves in the mirror at these times of confrontation with others?

Healing through forgiveness of the self and others illuminates the path of love and understanding. It encompasses and embraces our light within so it may shine projecting us onwards towards rewarding authentic relationships and joyful conscious communication.

Everpresent, the soul emerges in splendour after shedding all conditioned thinking, imposed beleifs and ideals to find freedom.

The Authentic Self is powerful yet humble, vulnerable yet strong...
Our unique gift and inner guide to self realization.

≈♥✿♡ Namaste≈♥✿♡

"Who we are looking for is who is looking." ~ Francis of Assisi

"The authentic self is soul made visible." ~ Sarah Ban Breathnach

"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind." ~ Dr. Seuss

Friday 5 November 2010

Ascension´s Song of Unity

All, in essence is Vibration.

The sounds we create ourselves express our state of being.

The words we speak are our personal Mantras.

This is why, explained simply, we benefit from singing chants, meditating with sacred sounds, and speaking positive affirmations.

On a subtle level, our thoughts are constantly vibrating, emitting frequencies to our bodies and the energy fields around us.

This is our continuous interaction with our surrounding world, and when these vibrations clash in disharmony we may experience discomfort, eventually leading to illness as the negative emotions disturb and block vital energy conduits in our being.

As we learn to choose to focus upon thoughts and words that uplift ourselves and others, we are making a conscious intention to maintain a positive, healthy frequency. This is turn attracts others that mirror our own vibration, guiding us towards a harmonious existence.

This portrays to us how change starts within, leading towards the change we wish to see and experience.

By consciously choosing a beautiful Inner Melody, our personal song unfolds into a symphony of Joy and Harmony on every dimension. These are the chords to strike silently in our hearts as we remember the truth of who we truly are, as Light Beings of Love and Compassion.

Mother Earth pulsates and resonates with our heartbeat, and the Elements within and without us in constant tranformation. Time moves faster as we spin towards the Galactic Center of the Milky Way.

It is time for us to sing in unison, for now is our opportunity to vibrate, elevate, and ascend together. More than ever before, those who hear the calling in their hearts are coming together to realize how powerful we truly are.

As we allow our Sacred Song of Love to be heard we resonate with that of the Cosmos that sings back to us.

* In Love and Gratitude to All My Lightworker Friends *

* From the Heart of the Cosmos to Humanity we Return *

* And Vibrate as One Love - One Truth *

* Namaste *

Wednesday 15 September 2010


Introduction to five complete Yoga sets inspired by Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether, created to Heal and Harmonize Body, Mind and Spirit.

Filmed on location in New York.

Music by SiriSat - Julia Claire / Ohm Spirit Sound

Monday 10 May 2010


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Why am I here?
What is my purpose and who am I?
A spiritual being living a human experience?
These are basic questions we ask ourselves in order to discover our own deepest Truth.
In a complex world of conflict and "material illusion" the distractions are many; but when we hear the calling to connect with our souls to understand who we truly are, these questions may be answered through our own personal experience.
We are born on this earth as single physical individuals and leave the same way, empty handed, so whilst we are in this lifetime, what is really worth striving for?
What is worth achieving or accumulating that we cannot take with us?
Yet the wisdom of our soul is already within us, waiting to be reawakened and nurtured on it..s journey through existence.
By allowing ourselves to "seek within", through meditation and self awareness, we are able to recognize our own loving nature, and our pure soul qualities that are worth developing and sharing with others.
It is possible to cleanse and purify the body, the mind and subconscious where all our mental "clutter" lies leading us to behaviour we sometimes cannot even control or comprehend.
We begin to understand that aloneness is a state of mind, and separation an illusion, for together we all form the holographic Universe.
As we attain the capacity to see ourselves as mirrors reflecting one another, we realize
"We are all One".

The ancient word of wisdom "Yoga" means "Union".
Through meditational practice, prayer, conscious techniques or tools of awareness, and through our visualization and own free will, we encounter a true purpose for Humanity: a Light, a vision, that as a growing number of souls unite in the consciousness of being "One" we are uplifting ourselves and the total vibration of our Planet.

May We Unite in Truth and Love~ In an Infinite Circle of Light~ In the Power of Now~


~ LOVE ~

Saturday 17 April 2010

The Greatest Truth

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usLife is an adventure in awareness when we realize that the search begins by "going within". When we are able to become our own observer our consciousness expands far beyond the limited space of our physical bodies and we experience ourselves as the temples of our soul. Through meditative awareness and acceptance we may experience love in its purest unconditional form. Love is our very creative essence. By using our creative talents and capacities for a higher purpose we align ourselves with the divine plan. As we honour and respect fellow souls on their path, we unite in kindness to empower ourselves. This is our ultimate gift of potential healing and liberation... our unlimited capacity of love.

~ Sirisat

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A Woman

I am the embodiment of the common thread of female consciousness.
My joy, my creativity, my sorrow and humility extend to the world.
I feel the rejoicing and the rejection.
My compassion extends to those in torture and suffering.
My gratitude grounds my being when I realize how fortunate I am as a woman.

We have been mistreated and trodden upon.
We have been worshipped and loved.
We are being sacrificied to this day, yet we are receptacles of creation.
We have been taught to fear men.
We have learnt to love them.
Beyond our masculine and feminine identities we are of one essence.
We are all in potentiality...
One Love ♥


"Love is a ladder,
It starts with one person,
it ends with the Totality.
Love is the beginning,
God is the end."


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